There are two reasons gymnasts usually switch gyms. Some are habitual gym hoppers who are always going somewhere new looking for something different, and then there are those that leave for legitimate reasons. Below are the top 5 reasons you may need to switch gyms.

Reason 1: Safety Reasons
If your gym is unsafe, or you have safety concerns that aren’t addressed by the gym owner or coaches, it is time to switch gyms.

Reason 2: Need for a Different Type of Gym
As your gymnast grows, so will her abilities and interest. If your gym can’t meet the needs of your gymnasts, it’s okay to find a gym that will.
Likewise, if your gymnast has begun to lose interest in the program, and would like a more relaxed program that allows them to entertain other interests as well, it is acceptable to find a different program.
Reason 3: Time for a New Start
Who couldn’t benefit from a new start in life? This applies to gymnastics as well. Whether there is a personality conflict between parents and coaches or your gymnast wants to recreate herself somewhere else, there is nothing wrong with switching gyms to get a fresh start.
Reason 4: Travel
If your gym is an hour and a half away and you are having a hard time getting back and forth, there is nothing wrong with finding a gym that is closer to home.
Reason 5: Abuse
Everybody has different definitions of abuse, but if you feel your gymnast is being abused, it’s time to go. Coaches have different styles and not all styles are right for every gymnast.
Finding a gym with a coach that you support is an important step in fostering your gymnast’s love of the sport.
Do have any other reason why you think you should change gyms? Let us know.